Did anyone manage to correctly answer our question “What differs a unit of Orcs Mercenaries from Orcs Warriors“? Many of you provided really creative answers that included interesting observations or anecdotes.

But the question was tricky.

Many sentences could be written, even very wise, but not answering the question.

However, there was one daredevil who penetrated it and gave a correct and precise answer. This daredevil is Sebastian Szymon. He receives a unit of Orcs Warriors in the red Argatoria blister. This is how Sebastian replied:The warriors are probably indoctrinated by the ‘Cult of the Axe’ because that’s the only weapon they use, and the mercenaries are not very picky individuals and they k*ll with whatever they get 😉

Thank you for all your answers. Next week, you will have a chance to take part in another tricky competition!

And from now, a new model is available in our Mail Order – Elm Trefloq.