
Grom is a god of war, battle rabblement, and frenzy, therefore, many believe that in the times of great battles he accompanies them, making them bold enough to make heroic deeds, and frequently, sending them berserk. Many prints and sketches depict him as a mighty warrior with the great, double-edged axe, who rests on a large throne surrounded by vestals. He is professed in many regions of the world and though he has different cognomens like Haramon or Angram, it’s very easy to recognise his chapels and other places sacred to him by many inwrought plates showing battles and naked women.

Many consider Grom the god who patronises also sprees and romps but no priest has confirmed this theory. The truth is, however, many festivities associated with the cult of the god of war ended in richly boozy revels and dances of beautiful women. According to legends, after each bat like this, Grom returns to Bianna who dictates him penance and no wars. In the common calendar begins the time called Penitential, meaning there is no bloodshed for the whole month, which ends the year. It’s a period patronised by the god of winter, Gunnar, preluding the new year. Of course, with the beginning of the new year, vicious Grom incites wars and conflicts again to give vent to his desire for warfare and frenzy.