Work on the 4th edition of Umbra Turris is at a very advanced stage. Many models are painted for us by external painters, but we personally take care of some details. We need to be sure that the miniatures will look good in the photos in the new rulebook. This prompted us to analyse what colour the edge of the bases should be. So far it has been black, but those of you who play Umbra Turris know that many games take place among Forest Glades, Mysterious Deepwoods, Haunted Graveyards and Ruins of the Temple. Many of these places are covered with grass and bushes, so we decided that matching the colours of the bases to these areas would be visually most interesting. Of course, there is always the city of Umbra Turris in the background. This ominous place casts a shadow over the surrounding area, but as you know, fights often take place on its outskirts.
We are aware that you will choose the colour of the bases according to your own preferences. Some of you will prefer brown edges of the bases, others black, depending on the terrain you have. If you were to ask what colour of bases we like, then – looking at most of the minis we have painted for various systems – it is green. Therefore, paint them the way you like!
If you have any Spellcrow models for Umbra Turris game that you are extremely proud of, because of how amazingly painted or converted they are, you can take photos of them and send them to our email: spellcrow@umbraturris.com. It may happen that we will be so delighted with them that we’ll be happy to include your works in the upcoming edition of the rulebook!
You have time until the end of March 2024 to send the photos of your Umbra Turris minis 🙂