Aeron is the god of the sky and wind. As some people state, he can winnow the clouds to light the earth with a glare of the sun, and when he’s cross, he casts hurricanes and rainstorms. He is perceived this way mostly by villagers who, shivering around their harvest, always make him sacrifices and tell imaginary, but angst-ridden stories. Those less fearful, and more reflective, count Aeron as a guardian of a great blueness, a god of the sky, which we don’t know because it’s a home of all gods. In the books, he is depicted as a winged warrior with a spear and a shield who, along with eagles, glides through the air, looking out for the fallen gods.
In the villages, Aeron has a lot of his shrines, which are usually very modest. They are to propitiate him to bring calm weather, in which a balance will be struck between the sun and the rain. The temples of Aeron are entirely different buildings, which have nothing in common with the villagers’ petitions. Mighty, soaring buildings, adorned with winged monuments, hide many libraries and notes about the stars, the motions of the planets, and everything that is in the interest of the astrologists, scholars, and mages. Those temples are often in the biggest cities, where science and knowledge are evolving, where minds eager for truths about the world can get deeper into all topics that haunt them.
Although Aeron is the god of the sky and wind, for many, he is a god of knowledge which, as they believe, hides all answers in the great sky blue over our heads.