Here’s a Trefloq painted by Gaeldor army player Mateusz Adamczyk. In one of our previous posts we...
Look at those beautiful Amazons on Spiders painted by Mateusz Adamczyk for his Gaeldor army! We love...
Hi everyone! For those of you who have just entered Argatoria We invite you to the newly...
We really like when there are a lot of bushes, moss and grasses on the bases –...
Don’t you think these tiny Liagulians painted by Jarek Westermark for his albino Arox army look fantastic?...
We are delighted to show you the Desauros with Sun Monolith in a 10 mm scale painted...
Here you can see the unit of Wolf Maidens painted by Jakub Polkowski for his Dirandis army He decided that...
We’re happy to see your Argatoria armies are growing and gaining new colours everyday! This striking set of...
This horde of Tormentors with Marauders and Command Group was painted by Tetyana for her Sorgax army In...
Gaeldor is an upcoming new army for Argatoria Wargame, a tribe living in the woods among wild...