In this article, you will learn more about the contents of Magic, Quest and Terrain – the main three supplements for Umbra Turris Skirmish Game – and what the particular card sets, models and counters are for during the game.

These supplements will enrich every game and allow you to trick your opponent, fight for Triumph Points and benefit from special rules! Each supplement includes cards, as well as resin models and useful counters.

The Magic supplement contains 18 Item Cards (also called Magic Cards) and 2 miniatures: Owl & Spawn of Magic (randomly selected from 4 available versions).

What are Item Cards for? If your party includes a Mage, before the battle, you will be able to draw 3 Item Cards from your Item Deck and use them during the game. Item Cards divide into 3 types: 

  1. Permanent – placed face up on the table, they will serve you for the whole battle. Example: A Swift Boots card is a Permanent Item, increasing your Mage’s movement by 5 cm for the rest of the game.
  2. Temporary – kept secret until used, with a limited-time effect. Example: A Sydrexian’s Relic card is a Temporary Item, allowing you to decrease certain stats of a chosen model (either yours or your opponent’s) for a limited-time stated on the card. Once that time ends, this item is discarded.  
  3. Instant – kept secret until used, use them exactly in the moment their effect can be used. Then, they are immediately exhausted. Example: A Black Seed Beverage card is an Instant Item able to negate the enemy’s successful charge, placing them exactly 1 cm away from the charge target. After that, this item is discarded.

What are Owl & Spawn of Magic for? These miniatures are connected with two of the cards included in the set – Stray and Owl of Autumne. You will need them if you draw any of these cards.

The Quest supplement contains 18 Quest Cards5 Death Counters and 5 Hidden Counters.

What are Quest Cards for? Quest Cards are a perfect choice for those who want to add some spice to the gameplay. They allow you to play for Triumph Points instead of a casual “cleanse” scenario where you need to defeat more heroes than your opponent. Before the battle, each player draws 3 Quest Cards and tries to gain Triumph Points by completing quests. There are secret quests, as well as such that are revealed before the battle. Example: One of your Quest Cards is Clash of the Titans which you keep secret. It states: “Charge the enemy Leader with your Leader. Reveal this card. Nobody may interfere with the duel until one of the Leaders wins. Other heroes may disengage from that combat without making any tests. If you defeat the enemy Leader, you gain 1 Triumph Point”. 

The number of Triumph Points you need to win is determined by the game difficulty, drawn or chosen before the battle. So if the game is, for example, for 3 Triumph Points and you will complete the Clash of the Titans quest, you will still need 2 more Triumph Points to win.

What are Hidden Counters for? Hidden Counters are used to mark that a hero is hidden.

What are Death Counters for? When a hero dies, they are replaced with a Death Counter until the end of the cycle. If nothing happens that could revive the hero, the Death Counter is removed once the cycle ends.

The Terrain supplement contains 6 Terrain Cards and 6 Loot Counters.

What are Terrain Cards for? Terrain Cards are used before the battle to determine the location where you will play. They contain special rules connected with the alignment of the parties. Example: In the Haunted Graveyard, the Good party starts the game with one Blessing Die less, while the Evil party gains two additional Torment Dice*.

*Blessing Dice and Torment Dice are the names of the special dice connected with a specific alignment of a party, giving it unique benefits during the game (see rulebook for more details).

What are Loot Counters for? Loot Counters are set next to the terrains before the battle, hiding special loot that any hero can find during the game by getting into base contact and perfoming a Minor Action – Loot Test (see rulebook for more details). The hero rolls a d6 and checks the rulebook to see what they have found.